Kinesiology – Let your body talk!
I am a member of the Kinesiology Federation Registered Professionals (KFRP). This means that I have completed all the requirements to meet the Kinesiology National Occupational Standards.
The term ‘Kinesiology’ describes a gentle but powerful complementary therapy that effectively identifies energy imbalances in a person’s system.
‘Muscle Testing’ is the principal tool of Kinesiology and is based on the connection
between various muscles and acupuncture meridians. Using gentle manual muscle testing
the Kinesiologist can get a picture of what is happening in your energy system and how
this may be affecting you. Stresses to the system can be caused by accidents, trauma,
shock, surgery, toxins, illness or stress of any kind – physical, mental, emotional or any
Kinesiologists use a blend of physical and energy techniques to gently rebalance the
energy flow, allowing the body to use its own healing ability to bring itself back into
harmony and balance.
Each Kinesiology session is unique to the individual; there is no one fixed approach to
balance the body that fits all. Kinesiologists do not diagnose or treat specific conditions,
but access your body’s inner wisdom through muscle testing to find out exactly what your
system needs to facilitate its own healing.
Restoring an optimal state of balance to the client is the aim of any Kinesiology session. A
balanced body is a healthy body.
You have to try it to believe it!